Strawberry Banana Sherbet Recipe

Ice cream everyday sounds like a great idea, especially during the summer. But realistically speaking, there's no way that can be good for the body. Here's a new and yummy take on a healthy "ice cream". All you need are 4 ingredients, and a blender! Minimal calories, minimal work, and minimal worries. Now doesn't that sound refreshing? Enjoy! Don't forget to #sunnysideash if you do decide to recreate this recipe.
Serving Size: 4 people
Frozen fruits prep time: Over night
Sherbet prep time: 5 minutes
Freezing sherbet: 3-5 hours
  1. 3 Medium-sized bananas (Peeled and frozen over night)
  2. 2 Cups Strawberries (Tops off and frozen over night)
  3. 1/4 cup 2% or non-fat milk (Cold)
  4. Honey or sweetener (Optional)
  1. Add frozen bananas, frozen strawberries, milk and sweetener (optional) into blender. 
  2. Blend until thick and smooth consistency.
If the consistency is a bit watery, put the mixture into a container (preferably a plastic container) and into a freezerThis happens due to using warm milk, being in warm climate, or leaving frozen fruits out for some time before mixing. After 3 or more hours, your sherbet should be ready to be served!

Maira Gall