Double-Baked Cauliflower Mash Recipe

My double-baked cauliflower mash recipe was originally created because I have been going through a detox phase. The detox itself is not anything radical, I'm just laying off the fatty foods for a while because I think my body needs to be cleansed from time to time. (I will be giving a detailed post about this!) It is a great way to keep you feeling energised and light. I am planning to keep going for a few weeks more, so looking for new ways to satisfy my cravings and appetite is a must. This recipe is just a product of this whole phase. 
            It is great just the way it is really, but if you want to keep it low in fat and artificial ingredients (especially if you're going through a detox like me), feel free to adjust the recipe. You can opt not to put the heavy cream if you substitute it with a low-fat milk and you can choose different types of cheeses too, depending on what suits your fancy. (Low fat cheese works just the same.)
            The greatest thing I love about my double-baked cauliflower mash is that it has so much potential. If you are on a diet, the cauliflower will allow you to keep everything under 400 calories as long as you adjust the ingredients, and if you want a rich and cheesy mash and don't plan on holding any calorie back, the original recipe will give you just what you want. 
Served in a cup for snacks
Serving Size: 2-4 people
Time: 1 hour
1. Cauliflower (3 bouquets)
2. Butter (2.5 oz)
3. Heavy cream (1/3 cup)
4. Sour cream (1/2 cup)
5. Cheddar (3 oz)
6. Cream cheese (3 oz)
7. Parmesan (1/4 cup)
8. Salt
9. Pepper
1. Knife
2. Pot
3. Masher/Fork/Spoon
4. Bowl
5. Baking dish
6. Oven
1. Preheat the oven to 190 C.
2. Boil the cauliflower until it is very soft. (about 20 minutes)
3. Turn of the heat, and drain the pot when done.
4. Transfer the cauliflower to a bowl.
5. While it is till hot: Mash the cauliflower until it is soft. 
6. Add 2 oz of the butter and mix it around while it is still hot. 
7. Add in the sour cream, heavy cream, and the cream cheese and parmesan. (You can opt to put less sour cream or heavy cream depending on the consistency and texture you want.) Let the cheese melt through.
8. Add the salt and pepper to taste. 
9. Butter the baking dish with the remaining .5 oz of butter.
10. Add in the cauliflower mash to the baking dish. (Either in cups or in a baking dish.)
11. Top the dish with the grated cheddar.
12. Let it bake for about 20 minutes. Keep checking it to make sure it is baking properly. 
13. When done, let it sit for about 15 minutes. 
14. Serve it hot if you want a gooey mash, and cold if you want a thicker mash. 

            I opted to do something different by baking it in my muffin pan. I find it easier to make this way. If you serve it in cups, you will have even proportions. Although if you want to serve it from the dish or as a whole serving, just use a baking dish. It does not make a difference! (Check out my Instagram to see how I did it!) 
Thanks for giving this a read guys, hope to hear from you! 
xx Ashley
Maira Gall